How Much Do Dachshunds Shed? What You Need to Know

When considering which breed of furry friend to welcome into your home, there are a few factors you might consider.

Namely, how much exercise they need, whether they get on well with other pets and the amount of fur they shed.

Shedding can be a serious consideration due to the allergens produced by animal hair and for the inconvenience.

Dachshund resting its head

People with allergies might opt for pets that don’t leave a lot of hairs around. If shedding is an important factor in your decision, you might think a dachshund is perfect.

The fact is, all dachshunds, and all breeds of dog for that matter, do show some level of shedding.

The amount they shed depends on several circumstances such as their health, the time of year and their coat type. As well as their diet and grooming routine.

The amount they shed depends on several circumstances such as their health, the time of year and their coat type. As well as their diet and grooming routine.

Although they do shed, dachshunds often appear on lists of dogs recommended for their minimal hair dropping.

Besides their loving quality and puppy-dog eyes, people do choose dachshunds because they are a low-shedding breed.


So, Do Dachshunds Shed?

In short, yes; all wiener dogs shed their coat. But the amount of shedding depends on the health, and type, of their coat.

Dachshunds can have three coat types; short-hair, long-hair and wire-hair.

Some dachshund owners might say that their four-legged friend never drops any hairs. While this is incorrect, dachshunds do appear to shed very little.

Especially the short-haired coats. This is because they have very small hairs and less of an undercoat than their long-haired counterparts.

So some owners might not actually notice them shedding.

Long-haired coats shed the most because they have a dense undercoat. They have a fleece-like undercoat which helps them stay warm in cold weather.

Wire-haired dachshunds have a thick undercoat and extra hairs around their eyes and face. These extra facial hairs give them their charming bearded appearance!

It may surprise you to learn that they shed the least of the three types.


How Much Shedding Are We Talking?

how much dachshunds shed

According to iheartdogs, 19% of owners said that their dachshunds showed no signs of shedding and 60% said they were a low-shedding breed.

The remaining 21% said that they were moderate to extreme shedders. But, most owners agreed on the importance of grooming.

The low shedding owners credit the minimal loss of fur to baths and regular brushing.

Generally, short and wire-haired dogs shed less than their long-haired counterparts. That said, there are several factors that affect the amount of shedding they do.

A short-haired dachshund could appear to shed more than a longer-haired pup if it wasn’t groomed properly.

It’s impossible to say how much one dog will shed compared to another.

The amount that they shed is influenced in part by environmental factors, but mainly, it depends on the way that we care for them.


What’s So Wrong with Shedding?

So far we’ve discussed shedding as something you would rather avoid. So why is it such a bad thing?


Unfortunately, some people are allergic to dogs. It’s not the fur itself that provokes an allergic reaction but the saliva, urine and pet dander attached to the hairs.

All these things produce allergens. While all dogs do shed, some breeds are considered to be hypoallergenic.

Meaning that their shedding is so minimal it shouldn’t cause an allergy attack. But, dachshunds are not considered to be hypoallergenic dogs.

The amount of hair they shed could cause allergic reactions in sufferers.



As much as we love our furry friends, turning up to an important event covered in pet hair is frowned upon.

Likewise, we wouldn’t want to invite a friend over to a house covered in dog fur. Although it’s perfectly clean, pet hair can be seen as dirty or messy.

A reputation that most of us would rather avoid.

It stands to reason then that removing animal hair all the time can be annoying. It’s time consuming to try and get every last hair, and it’s more difficult with certain materials.

Not to mention, it can be expensive. There are endless products out there promising to keep your outfit fur-free, but it would be an expensive investment to try them all.


What Affects Shedding and How Can You Deal with It?

Now that we’ve learned why shedding can be a pain, we can discuss how to reduce the amount of hairs that your dog sheds.

Some of these tips and tricks should already be a normal way of life.

You shouldn’t need to make any big changes, instead, you can learn how to reduce shedding as part of your regular care routine.


women trimming dachshund's hair

Your grooming habits will affect how much your dachshund sheds. If their coat is not properly cared for, they will shed a lot.

The best grooming routine depends on the type of coat your dog has. In general, regular brushing will help you catch the hairs before they drop.

Occasional bathing will also help to keep their coat healthy.

The frequency and type of grooming you do should depend on your dachshund’s coat. All dachshunds produce sebum which keeps their skin and fur healthy.

Bathing removes this sebum, so you shouldn’t bathe them too often, regardless of their coat.

It’s recommended to bathe them once every three months and to always use a dog shampoo.

Brushing, however, is a little different. Short-haired dachshunds can be brushed once a week, using a soft-bristle brush.

Long-haired coats need daily brushing and combing to get rid of mats and tangles. In some cases, you may need to detangle stubborn knots by hand or even cut them out.

Wire-haired coats need an extra level of grooming, called ‘stripping’. This involves removing dead hairs at the root and needs to be done around three times per year.

It can seem a little brutal, but you don’t have to do it yourself, you can see a professional.

Other than that, wire-hairs should be brushed once a week using a grooming brush or even electric clippers.



If a dog’s diet is not rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals then their coat will become thin and drop out.

This is because a balanced diet makes the hair follicles strong and healthy. Losing fur due to a bad diet is classed as hair loss.

Dogs shed when they’re totally healthy and hairs should drop evenly from all over the body. Hair loss looks different as it causes bald patches and flaky skin.

Providing your dog with a nutritious diet is essential, regardless of whether it will help them stop shedding.

A veterinarian or breeder will be able to recommend the best diet for your dachshund’s needs.

You should also consult a professional if you notice that their coat doesn’t look healthy or they’re losing more hairs than usual.



dog with a a pile of shedded hair

Like a poor diet, a dog can lose fur when they’re not feeling well. Illness can mean anything from a disease or a virus to stress or a skin condition.

Again, this is not regular shedding, but hair loss. If your doxie doesn’t seem their usual self, check in with a vet.



Naturally, dogs shed more in spring, in anticipation of summer. As the weather gets warmer, they don’t need as much insulation, so they get rid of extra fur.

This is especially common for dogs that spend a lot of time outdoors.

Indoor dogs may not be affected by seasonal shedding and will likely drop the same amount of hair all year round.

There isn’t much you can do to prevent this, but you can anticipate it.


Your Own Perception

It can seem like a dog sheds a lot more than it does due to some external factors, such as their behavior and your home environment.

If you don’t allow your dog on the furniture, you won’t see their hairs all over the bed or the couch.

Their fur is more likely to be shed in their own doggie bed, which is more acceptable. Or it might end up on the floor, which can be dealt with during routine cleaning.

If you have lots of black clothing and a light colored pup who loves to snuggle, it might seem like the shedding is endless.


Cleaning up

cleaning up dog hair with a hair removal roller

Even with a regular, healthy care routine, you may still notice your dachshund shedding. It’s an inevitable part of having a wiener dog.

To get rid of the hairs you find on your furniture, invest in a hand-held vacuum. This will help you target specific areas.

For your favorite outfits, there are lint rollers, which use a sticky surface to pull out the hairs, or clothes shavers.

If shedding is an important factor in your decision to get a dog, you might want to choose a short or wire-haired dachshund over a long-haired breed.

These two shed a lot less than their long-haired counterparts. Still though, they all shed! So be ready to take extra care with them to help reduce hair loss.

At least you won’t find yourself maxing out your credit card on lint rollers with a doxie as part of the family.