How Do I Know If My Dachshund Is Purebred? Look for These 10 Features

Dachshunds are very popular pets. They’re super cute, fiercely loyal, and will bring endless entertainment to your life.

Like with any popular dog breed, Dachshunds are being crossbred with other types of dogs to create new, favorable combinations.

Some people are pairing the beloved Doxie with Chihuahuas for an even smaller version, while others are opting for a cross with the affectionate Pomeranian to create a friendly lapdog. 

Dachshund looking ahead

For some people, a crossbreed is not a problem. In fact, it might even be the breed of choice. However, if you are one of the people out there looking for a purebred Dachshund, this world of crossbred Dachshunds can be difficult to navigate.

Many dog owners may believe that they own a purebred Dachshund, when in actual fact it is a crossbreed. Even registration papers aren’t a foolproof way of confirming a Dachshund’s purebred status.

This is why we’ve put together a guide on how to tell if a Dachshund is purebred.

This includes 10 features of a purebred Dachshund as well as 5 features of a crossbred Dachshund so that you can tell for yourself the breeding of the Doxie before you make your purchase.


10 Features of A Purebred Dachshund

Black and tan purebred dachshund standing at navy pier

These 10 features are indicators that a dog is a purebred Dachshund. Most purebred Doxies will exhibit all of these features, so take some time to work through the list and identify if there are any characteristics missing.

  1. Long body

We are starting with an easy one – the long body. Dachshunds are known for this feature (hence the sausage dog nickname!)  and it is what makes them distinguishable from other dog breeds.

All pure Doxies will have a long, narrow body. If a dog does not have the classic Dachshund body, it’s not a purebred Dachshund.

  1. Short legs

The next thing to check for is short legs. The long body of a Dachshund should be low to the ground. Think about it, have you ever seen a tall Dachshund?

The fact that they are short with a low center of gravity is a characteristic that defines the breed.

  1. Straight, well-positioned legs

While we are on the subject of legs, there’s something else you need to look out for. A purebred Dachshund’s short legs will be straight and well-positioned.

Pay close attention to all four legs. Both the front and the back legs should face the front, rather than turning out to the sides. The powerful back legs should be set apart, rather than being too close together. 

  1. Full, broad feet

A purebred Dachshund should have broad front feet, especially as a puppy. The front paws will be fuller than the back ones, which should be longer and narrower.

Generally a Doxie’s feet will point straight forward although there are instances where the feet face slightly to the outside, even in purebreds. The pads of the feet should be firm. 

  1. Long ears

Dachshund straing upward

Another identifiable feature of the Dachshund is the long, floppy ears. These should hang either side of the Doxie’s head and fall a little below their jawline. 

  1. Straight tail

Purebred Dachshund’s have long, straight tails. They may have a slight curve when they move it, however, there should never be any twists in it.

Check the line of the tail to see how it sits on the dog’s body. It should be a continuation of the spine, creating a clear line down the sogs back out to the tip of the tail.

A purebred Dachshund is unlikely to have a tail that is distracting or bold. It is in proportion to the body and provides a balanced look overall.

  1. Long snout

Dachsunds have long, pointed snouts that are in proportion with their long bodies.

At the end of the point, is a black nose that should have wide nostrils. The shape of the head and snout is an important feature to assess when looking for a purebred Dachsund. 

  1. Compact and muscular

Not everybody realizes it, but Dachshunds are actually quite a muscular, athletic breed. It may be due to their size or the fact that we often see overweight Doxies, but if you’re checking for purebred status you absolutely want to be able to see the dog’s compact, muscular build.

Firstly, a purebred Dachshund should have broad shoulders. While this may seem strange on such a small dog, they have quite a bit of power through this area.

Secondly, the neck and chest should look strong and muscular. Finally, check the loins and pelvis. There should be a nice curve to their backend.

  1. No sagging skin

Some breeds are known for their adorable sagging, wrinkles. Dachshunds are not one of them. Check between the muscular shoulders to ensure there is no loose skin.

You may be able to pinch the skin in some places (creating wrinkles) but it should return to normal quickly and the wrinkles should not exist on their own.

  1. Confident gait

Spend some time watching the Dachshund walking. Dachsunds are known for the confident stride so if you notice any awkwardness this could be a sign of an injury or the fact that the dog is not a purebred.

They carry their heads high and their legs should track straight through.


5 Features that Indicate a Dachshund Crossbreed

crossbreed dachshund looking off into the distance

Now that we’ve covered off the features of a purebred Dachsund, let’s turn our attention to the features that indicate a crossbreed.

Even if a dog looks like a Dachshund, if it possesses any of the following characteristics it is likely that it is a crossbreed, not a purebred Doxie.

  1. Long legs

Some owners may claim that they have a long-legged Dachshund. There is no such thing. If a Doxie has long legs, it’s because it has been mixed with another breed.

Always look for short legs that keep the long body hanging low to the ground.

  1. Small size

Dachshunds are small, but they’re not tiny. They have, however, been bred with other types of dogs like Chihuahuas to reduce their size. If you think a Doxie looks too small to be true, you’re probably right.

  1. Ears that stick up

All purebred Doxies have ears that lay down. Ears that stick up are not an indicator of a special type of Dachsund, it is an obvious sign that the dog is a crossbreed. 

  1. Flat forehead

Dachsunds have a recognizable round forehead with long snout. If a dog looks like a Dachshund but has a flatter head (rather than the bulbous style present in a purebred), chances are it has been crossed with another breed. 

  1. Kinked tail

A tail that has kinks and knots does not belong to a purebred Dachshund. While some breeds are able to loop their tails and this is a signature characteristic of their breed, Dachshunds have long, straight tails.

Sometimes a purebred Doxie will have a slight bend in the tail, but this is just a curve and not a twist at all. 

There you have it – everything you need to know about identifying a purebred Dachshund! While we have nothing against crossbreeds, it is important to be informed if you are looking for a purebred.

Some people may tell you the wrong thing or simply be uninformed themselves, but with this knowledge you will be able to make an assessment for yourself.